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Sunday, 18 April 2010

Just woke up in one of the hotels in US and it's so amazing! I LOVE the toilet. It has the retro style in it and i just feel like showering in it again. So cool! The room also has a bed that is on the top. Woah, you can't believe how AWESOME and JUST EXTREMELY AWESOME it is. I just feel like taking this whole room back with me.

Have i said about the cup noodles? I bought 3 cup noodles but still haven't ate one. I'm eyeing it right now and i might just jump on it provided that we have hot water which we do not have. -.- We're going home soon... It's so sad.... I like the hotel very much except the fact that we can't find the restaurants that suit our taste and are available...

Going home still have to go do homework... Cheryl's leaving soon i guess... So sad... How i wish my birthday was during the holidays... But that would make it very hard to celebrate it here.

-puts up "food is welcome" sign-

Can't help it that i'm hungry.

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 4/18/2010


Saturday, 17 April 2010

Hey ;D Went to Universal Studios today with Cheryl. It was quite interesting and similar to all the other USs. I really enjoyed Revenge of the Mummy,the dinosaur thingy and those 4D shows. Quite nice. The food was nice too except that the burger was too big and it was impossible to squeeze it into ur mouth.

Today was also the celebration of my nephew's birthday. I feel bad not attending.. But we celebrate our birthdays together for 2 years already.. It gets kind of boring.. But that's not the point ;D HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIA LE.

So we're having tests on Mon.. Have to study right after coming back x.x Dont feel like it! So sian... Ate 2 bowls of cup noodles and going on to read manga. Hahas.

-hangs "PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB" sign-

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 4/17/2010


Friday, 2 April 2010

Wow! TK Sport's Day was the best! It was so fun! The band performed perfectly! Even the seniors were impressed. They deserve their gold with honours too much! Everyone tried their best too~ I hope Zheng Qing is feeling much better. She seemed so upset so kind of went emo and a bit crazy. It's no wonder... She's in track and field so she should have won but she did not. School ended at 11.45am yesterday. Before that we had public speaking but the teacher did not come so we started to play and talk on our own. Poor class prez and vice class prez... Cant keep everyone quiet so they were very pressured.

After school, qing xiao, rachel, sheren, and i went to sheren's house. Her mum came to fetch us from school and stopped us at Parkway Parade which was next to Sheren's house. Yay, I got to eat MOS burger! We talked about... stuff... And about the first few weeks of school. Who we met, who we made friends with, and all those stuff. Boys too. That topic was included x.x But then after a while, my seniors from RCY came in to MOS burger. 2 of them. It was so awkward when we waved to each other. Then i hurried my friends to go and run away since it's so awkward then we met Zheng Qing and Christine in the shopping mall on the way to Sheren's house. (we have to go thru the shopping mall) I just realised though that next year i have to do RCY duty and have to wear mufti to sports day -.-

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 4/02/2010


Saturday, 27 March 2010

RCY isn't that tiring anymore.. Quite fun actually. P.T.'s getting more and more fun! Wow, i'm surprised that i'm going nuts! I went home without feeling numb or sore but this morning was tough getting up x.x felt the sore and pain of P.T. and captain's ball. I think i'm gonna fail my NAPFA... I can't do sit-ups anymore... Dunno why... getting fat i guess xD. LOVE the seniors in RCY. Well, not literally. I think it's not bad. I may even enjoy RCY for the next 4 years, or 3.

YES!! We may go and help out for the RC thingy during Sport's Day! So fun!! Especially when we can stay in the shade! Hahas. I'm so crazy.. But seriously, it's been so hot last month. This month is so rainy. Qing Xiao and i were going home on Thursday but we were soaked from head to toe even when we were holding umbrellas. So they weren't any use. We saw a few classmates and tried to help them by lending them our umbrella. (we had 2, i borrowed one from Rachel) They were boys so they may have been embarrassed that girls were lending them umbrellas and getting ourselves soaked so they left the umbrella on the ground halfway and ran away. So yea, we tried to offer our umbrellas at the bus stop since both of us didn't need it anymore but they still refused to take it. Stubborn boys -.- so stupid =xx.

Some of the girls in our class are planning a class outing. We decided to let the boys vote since their opinions weren't heard for the class shirt. So we have

1. WWW
2. Ice skating
3. Universal Studios, Sentosa (cost quite a lot)

The class president still hasn't gotten the votes so we're waiting. We're losing to the other classes! 1C has already had their class outing. We're losing out! Hope it'll be so fun! Our class' not really bonded.. Since the boys always stick to the boys and the girls to the girls. So our form teacher's thinking of something...

YAY sport's day! YAY 1D! LOLS. I still love 6D a lot.. and miss so many people so much, but i love 1D too! Like all the classes i've been to, i can't forget them!

Oh, i got caught for not wearing the school badge on Wed. So sad... I just forgot and made me stand in the front -.- Mdm Goo(sp) is so fierce... Hope everything goes well -.-

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 3/27/2010


Thursday, 18 March 2010

Today was soooo boring except that my parents had promised that at night they would bring my brother and i out so we tried to wait quietly and patiently until they came and pick me up from my grandma's house but we just couldn't... My brother had homework to do so he could at least occupy himself with that but he kept complaining that it was too much work and didn't want to do it. So i had to bear all the complaining until he slowly did finish the work... That was just horrible x.x

We had actually planned to go to watch the show "Alice in Wonderland" but then the last show is at 5pm and we couldn't make it so we planned to go tomorrow. I want to watch it!! Today we also went to The Fountain Of Wealth. Lols.. my parents suddenly thought of going for it.

Tomorrow doing project with Qing Xiao at Tampines Mall. Maybe Christine's coming alone.. i don't know.. Her mum is saying no but we're trying hard to persuade her. So i hope everything goes well tomorrow. That'll be good for me..

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 3/18/2010


Monday, 15 March 2010

Hey, just back from camp. On Sunday actually. Quite tiring... Everyday keep on P.T. but it was still fine.. I felt as if i got fitter. Maybe a bit healthier too. But when i got back i started eating snacks again x.x So camp was quite fun. Filled with RCK, Evac, and quite a lot more. Food was quite nice too. During the camp i saw a few classmates in their own CCA camps so we just waved and turned to do our own things. Everyone quite busy so didn't have anytime to stop and talk. So we had a nightwalk too. I was sooo scared at first since the seniors keep telling all those stories but then another senior tried to comfort me. Hui Xin too. So i kind of felt ok. Then tried and it was seriously not scary at all.. Made me sing songs all the way.. -.-" So yea.. I made friends with a few seniors and they're very kind but somehow a bit weird..

So i just came back and realised that i had LOADS of projects that need to be done by the end of the week. They're making me into a mad woman now.. Haiz.. Too much stress i guess. Anyway, i'll just get back to doing my project..

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 3/15/2010


Sunday, 7 March 2010

Hey people.. Just back from Sarimbun Scout Camp not long ago. Fri i guess.. So tired! I went back home and slept till 11am the next day. Woah so long x.x So yea.. The tent was huge, fitting 8 people in one. I slept near the door, well we all did. Our heads faced the door since i told them that we shouldn't face our legs at the door cause i'm a bit superstitous(sp.). It was quite cold and i woke up for both nights because i was cold and didn't get in the sleeping bag. My butt ached too. Poor me T.T

On the first day we started pitching the tents. Had to carry all the floorboard and strings and wooden planks over to the places where the girls and boys slept. (we slept at separate places)The boys kept saying that the girls were slacking but i was working my butt off -.- It was actually them that were slacking since they kept walking around and refused to queue up to help. So then there was lunch, too much food given... All 3 meals we had rice.. Omg.. I'm like somehow sick of it. But quite a balanced diet,vege,meat and fruits. Then.. Ehh.. I totally forgotten. Nevermind, skip to next day. At 5am, 5 of us were awake (including me) since the girl, Sheren, who was sleeping beside me couldn't sleep and insisted on us waking up. We started talking about QX and L~~ Then it changed to me.. -.-

QX: Stop! XT, who do you like????
C,S,A: Yea, who do you like????
-QX,C,S,A started looking at XT with those scary eyes-

XT: No one! Let's move on!

And the discussion kept continuing until it was time for us to wake up.. I was damn tired sia.. Kept on pestering me. But i didn't give anything out since i had nothing =pp The 2nd day started like usual but today we were doing our filtration thingy. I teamed up with 3 other peeps like everyone else.. of course, ok.. now i'm stating the obvious.. Day 2's activities were mainly on the 4 of us teaming up. I guess it should be quite easy since the questions were somewhat easy to answer. I don't want to claim credit or anything so fullstop. I forgot which day but we did the 'flying fox'. It was sooooooo fun! With the capital F. They said the scary part was jumping down but i thought the scary part was climbing up the stairs -.- Then we also did some high element things. Quite scary, cannot hold on to anything. And RACHEL,(a girl in my class which i feel the need to state her name to warn people that she's DANGEROUS) my DEAR SWEET RACHEL, kept asking me to fall when i was up there and tried to make me fly -.-

Day 3!! Final day!! My friends and i were like counting down the hours left. We started AS USUAL (i'm feeling the need to NOT state these kind of things anymore..) but today we went KAYAKING~!! WOOHOO~~!! The hard thing was that we had to carry the SUPER HEAVY kayaking boat thingy. So it wasn't a problem since i had Sheren.(my very handy carrier, sunblocker etc.) LOL, joking! She's so sweet to help me <333 Such a dear~~!! I thank her for helping me survive those 3 days. Oh yea... Don't forget the Milo Pond. THAT was the MOST DISGUSTING THING i've ever done!! Jumping into a MUD POOL! But i didn't regret it! Though the water went in my nose.. EWWW.

So... IT'S FINALLY OVER! I have another DREADED RCY camp on 12-14mar so peeps please don't sms me (: (i'm done with the peeps stuff.. Now i'm back to 'people'!)

~Dedicating this song to QX and L~
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XgiknlB4lI (SS501- Love Like This)

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 3/07/2010


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