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Thursday, 24 December 2009

Hey people, i'm back! Hahas... Just so those people who don't know, i went Hokkaido, Japan. Many things happened during the trips. Many quarrels with my parents and a few happy moments made there. Kinda nice. So the snow was so pretty! It snowed for all the days that i was in Japan. So cool! Kept playing with the snow until my hands and legs went numb. Hahas... I bought many comic books too. They were quite cheap for such thick books. Btw, I got into TKSS. Kinda expecting it though. I really have an infinity with the colour green... Primary School is green and now sec school is also green. Haiz... So then i missed the day when the new students were supposed to report to the school. Now i don't know who are my classmates... I hope someone will at least be my friend in my new school. Hahas... I just realised how hard it is to make friends... Hope someone will come and approach me. Lols. Merry Christmas to everyone and have a happy new year. I know that all my friends are going different ways so good luck to all of them. Someone must plan a reunion once in a while so we don't lose contact with each other!

Cheryl, Jobina, Natalie, Ysanne, Celeste : I still have your christmas presents to give you people. So i hope to get my souvenirs soon. Natalie, i owe you two so you have to make sure you get it. Cheryl, i have to pass the CDs to you. Gayle may be angry that i have them for so long. Hahas... Tell her i don't need to borrow anymore. Jobina i want mine too, don't forget! Sanny too!

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 12/24/2009


Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Went to Ysanne's house yesterday and today feel so bored... Watched Pi Li MIT. Was actually forced to watch but ended up getting addicted.... The panda suit in the show was so cute! Ysanne keep asking me to shut it... What's so wrong about saying the giant panda is cute? It really is ok... In the end she had to admit that it was cute too cause we watched it on youtube and many people kept commenting that it was cute. But i was irritated too... People kept saying that "Aaron Yan so shuai/I want him to be my boyfriend" and that got Sanny very irritated. She was like "impossible lo, so irritating!" Then we watched the variety show that Luo Zhi Xiang hosts. The episode where he tries to matchmake Xiao Gui with girls.. I was irritated with that one. Like can't he go find a girlfriend himself? Need other people to butt in for what? So lame...

Ehh.. Oh! I stayed for dinner at her house since her mum kept insisting that i do. The food was !!!! But Sann's mum just kept putting the yellow-ish pepper thingy in my bowl. It didn't taste that bad but still i didn't like it. Then Sann just "Mum! Xin Tian doesn't eat that thingy!" -So embarrassed- I should have been eating it like a good guest do xD. But ~~ Sann was made to eat it in the end. Hahas~ I felt bad though =xx

Was actually suppose to go out with Cheryl today ya know! But my mum just had to blab about "we're going on a tour, you shouldn't go out, you may get sick" Like who gets sick once they step out of the house?? Maybe Cheryl does since she's sick~ She was laughing at me when i told her that on Sat. Heh! -evil grin-

Hahas~ Just joking. She would kill me for that. Ahhh! Miss so many people! I'm talking about them like on every post... Hope i get used to the new school...

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 12/16/2009


Monday, 14 December 2009

Hey... Sorry for not updating for so long. I not really fond of updating -.- So i'm quite excited that i'm going over to Ysanne's house tomorrow. Actually was gonna go out with Cheryl but my mum said not to.... She gave quite a weird reason too. Sorry Cheryl but i already bought "it". =p I'm also quite excited about the trip to Japan this Thurs/Fri. Remembered that i have to buy souvenirs for many people. Maybe not enough money.... =x
To Gayle: I'm sooooo sorry. I'll return the CDs to you soon. (:
So i went to read Cheryl's blog and i read the insults that Carla mentioned about 6B people. Like so damn insulting lo. Saying they are nerds and their world revolves around studying. She thinks that they like studying? What if they don't? They just want to get good grades that's why they study hard. Those people need to think it over before they do these things.
To Celeste: I said that we would go out, the 3 of us, but i think must postpone to later le la... Sorry arr (:
So sian leh... I just miss everyone. I don't care even if i have to go school and study again. I hope someone will plan a gathering next year so that we can meet often. I'm going back to school during Children's Day next year cos i promised a girl/few girls that i would be going back to visit them. People who plan to go please inform me so we can go back together (: Maybe Teacher's Day too.... If you people want to.

Oh ya... I wanna ask if anyone grew? I know it's a weird question. But ya.. Did anyone? I heard we still have to grow until we're 15. Ok... I'm going~

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 12/14/2009


Sunday, 6 December 2009

Went to the movies to watch New Moon on Friday. It was EXTREMELY boring. I swear i could have fallen asleep if Shrida, Nerine and Belle did not keep on throwing the popcorn box around. (it was crushed btw) Then... when the movies was over (finally!), Cheryl and I ran away from the others. We actually wanted to go and take neoprints but the people kept on going in (amk hub only has 1 neoprint machine) so we gave up on the idea. Then we headed to City Hall. Instead of going to Suntec City like we usually do, we went to Raffles- something. (cant remember the name) We went and look around the shopping mall but they were all branded so we couldn't buy anything.

Then we went home cause Cheryl said she was tired. I guess we are since we took the MRT so long and there were no seats. I stopped at Pasir Ris MRT cause it's the way home and then i had to walk home even though it was drizzling cause i don't know what bus to take. (i'm really an idiot... ) So i called Cheryl to help me check. She said to take taxi but since that day the army people are going home... The taxi stand was crowded like hell -.- So i called her again.

When she finally found the bus, i was already 2 bus stops away from my house... but luckily i got on the bus. The rain was so heavy and i had to run across the road. When i reach home, i was drenched. -.-

Quite fun though... First time going home by myself =xxx

Thanks Cheryl for always going out with me whenever i want xDDD

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 12/06/2009


Thursday, 3 December 2009

Ok... Haven't done anything interesting this week. I'm going out with Cheryl, Nerine, Belle, Yi Gin and maybe 1-2 more people tomorrow. I'm not really sure though... so.. hehe... Oh ya. I still haven't posted my choices of schools.

1. Tanjong Katong Secondary School
2. Tanjong Katong Girls' School
3. Dunman Secondary School
4. St. Hilda's Secondary School
5. CHIJ Katong Convent
6. St. Anthony's Canossian Secondary School (rushing for time cos the time limit was 10 min so we (my mum and i) had to hurry)

Ok... Wait... I'm saying a lot of oks... <<< is it the right spelling? Oh ya... There's no such word... -.-

Oh.. So... Talk about my favourite craze now... FAIRY TAIL! <<< no i did not spell it wrongly.
It's so nice. FIY... It's manga. So please shoo away if you're not interested. (didn't want to say get lost... it would be rude)

The main character ( Natsu) really looks like Luffy (one piece). I didn't watch one piece though.. Kinda boring for me... All pirates and ..... (nothing to add) =xxx LOVE Gray. It's weird to say that... Not really as in love but just ... rather him than the others? He looks better than others though -.- Huhu.. (my way of laughing... for now... ) Don't have anything else to add though... IT'S JUST SO BORING!

Nvm... I just i'll just sign off for now.

+ ~Aishiteru~ @ 12/03/2009


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